Archived Work

Art that becomes the Spirit’s language

Gallery: My Archived Work

Smooth Surface Style & 3D Geode Cave Style

As Above So Below



Resin & nautical map

Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

Celebrating rest, travel, relaxation and joy.

Just Below the Skin



Resin, Quartz, Fireglass & Ashes

Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

It is strong in its delicateness. As you sink deeply into the feeling, all sound tapers off. It is quiet and silenced by the cold clarity that leans upon it. It patiently allows the layers to sing to the surface, where the light will greet the day.

Through the Stars, Onto the Land, Into the Ocean




Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

A piece inspired by the magical & mystical lands of Haida Gwaii, remembering the old times of exploration, growth and discovery.

Sophie’s Sanctuary -Buddha’s Head



Resin, Angel Aura Quartz, Quartz, Fireglass & Ashes

Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

Transformation within our Spirit is our greatest fulfillment within our earthly lives. Our Spirit essence exudes a dreamy softness of colour and depth of emanating sparkle. This piece is inspired by the Krystalline pools of Internal creation.

Shores of Freedom




Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

I dream of places with no edges, no beginning, and no middle, places where you float, effortlessly in a sea of Freedom.

Sleeping Fire Dragon



Resin, Quartz & Fireglass

Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

Passion, a vitality for life, energy, being alive, living big, untapped potential, connection, warmth and generosity are some of the qualities I felt while creating this piece for a woman honouring her sister!


Echo Chamber




Birch hardwood frame

This colourful abstract piece is to celebrate the talent and potential of an amazing woman and mother. It is her time to shine and echo her gifts into this world.




Resin, Fireglass & Ashes

Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

Our path is sometimes hidden and nestled in the corridor of our heart. It takes a willingness and a bravery to show up without a plan and allow yourself to be orchestrated by the wise Eternal nature of pure energy that governs all of creation.

Horse Power Dark’n Stormy




Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

Riding out the eye of the storm to rediscover clarity of heart is the best foundation for a solid decision.

Big Sky



Resin & ashes

Artist crafted Birch hardwood frame

The space of a big sky and the grand nature of the earth can invoke wonder in the heart, it can heal, and guide one through tremendous loss. It can be a place of rest where the heart can simply breathe and know that all that return to the earth will find their way home.